Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Rapid Weight Loss The Basic Steps

We start briefly with the basic steps of losing weight. By knowing the basics, you will understand why the steps later in the article work so well.

First of all, it is important to realize that the speed at which you lose is 70% related to your diet and 30% to sport, exercise and a few other factors.

That is why we mainly focus on what you eat and drink in this article. This will have the greatest impact, without you having to do too much for it.

In short, it means that we will activate your fat burning in the base with a low carbohydrate diet and then from there accelerate your fat burning with the correct recipes and (optional) strength exercises.

I have written this in the 3 basic steps, here they are.

Step 1: no sugar and cereals

By no longer eating sugar and cereals (and drinking), you make sure that your blood sugar does not fluctuate too much.

This is good for the weight loss process because a strongly fluctuating blood sugar level just blocks fat burning.

This means no cake, candy, chocolate, cake. But also no bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and noodles.

That may sound like a strict diet, but that is not so bad. There are still more than enough delicious things to keep eating during weight loss.

It does not mean that you can never eat a biscuit or a sandwich again, but if you want to lose weight quickly, it is definitely better to leave these products during weight loss.

Step 2: eat vegetables, fats and proteins

To make this new diet a success, it is important that you get enough energy and enough vitamins and minerals.

In this way you will not only lose weight quickly, you will also experience more energy and will generally be fitter and healthier.

During the weight loss process (and afterwards, if you do not want to go back yo-yo) you get your energy for a large part from healthy fats, and for a smaller part also from proteins.

Healthy fats can be found in: natural oils (such as olive oil and coconut oil), fatty fish, avocado, nuts, seeds and seeds.

Good proteins can be found in: meat, fish, chicken, eggs, pure protein powder, yogurt, nuts, seeds and seeds.

If you combine these products with enough different vegetables, you will see that you are bursting with energy and hardly experience any sense of hunger.

Step 3: build up muscle mass

If you perform the two steps above (and in the weekly schedules later in this article you will learn exactly how to do that effectively), then the final step is to build muscle mass.

As I said at the beginning you already reach about 70% of the success with steps 1 and 2. But if you also apply step 3, you get another 30% extra and the weight loss process goes even faster.

Muscle mass ensures in 4 ways that you burn body fat faster.

First of all, it takes natural energy to perform the exercises. This energy is partly burned from your food, but also partly from your body fat.
Second, it takes your body energy on your muscles after a workout to recover. So not only during exercise, but also afterwards you burn energy and therefore body fat.
Third, it costs your body energy to maintain your muscles in the long term. So once you have built up muscle mass, you burn more energy every day to maintain that extra muscle mass.
And finally, strength training ensures that your hormones are more easily balanced. A good hormone balance promotes fat burning.
Enough reason to also add muscle mass to these 3 basic steps.

Well, now that we have mastered the basics, we are going to look at a number of tips that will make you fall even faster.

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